5 Tips to Kick Off 2022
We are only 11 days into 2022, and between holidays, weather, and closures, it has been quite a year already! Aegis Land Group Title Company has compiled 5 Tips to Kick off 2022! Check them out to ensure a successful New Year! Shift your attitude Attitude controls everything. Start your day deliberately with the…
Read MoreTPCAR Meeting with Rep. Kilmer Spotlights Homebuyer Issues
TPCAR Meeting with Rep. Kilmer Spotlights Homebuyer Issues On Wednesday, December 22, US Rep. Derek Kilmer met with TPCAR members, led by incoming Government Affairs Chair and FPC to Rep. Kilmer, Elaine Hilton, to share more about his current projects in Congress, Federal legislation currently being worked on which could impact housing, and to hear…
Read MoreHome In Tacoma Passes, Ensuring More Affordable Housing
On Tuesday evening, Tacoma City Council voted 7 – 2 in favor of Phase 1 of the City’s “Home in Tacoma” plan. Home In Tacoma aims to achieve a shared vision of all Tacomans having an opportunity for home ownership in a thriving, diverse, and growing city. Home in Tacoma creates a new vision for…
Read MoreChanges to Insurance Regulations May Delay Closings
At Cross Insurance Agency we believe in “Insurance with no surprises.” With that in mind, we felt it was essential to reach out to our partners and friends in the Mortgage and Real Estate industry with an update on some recent changes in the insurance marketplace in Washington state that may impact you and your…
Read More10 Dos and Donts for New Homebuyers with Septic Systems
Your Septic System Do’s & Don’ts Do: Inspect your system annually. Routine maintenance allows you to catch issues before they become emergencies. Pump your tank every 3-5 years or as frequent as your service provider suggests, based on technology and system usage. Spread out your laundry loads over the course of the week. Excessive water…
Read MoreTPCAR Primary Election Candidate Endorsements
Tacoma-Pierce County Association of Realtors is proud to announce its candidate endorsements for this year’s August 3 Primary Election. The below list of candidates were interviewed by our Endorsement Advisory Committee and received TPCAR support based on their understanding and acknowledgement of the importance real estate plays in our communities, their support of REALTOR issues,…
Read MoreTPCAR Seeks Volunteers for Grievance ad Professional Standards Committee
The Tacoma-Pierce County Association of Realtors is seeking volunteers to serve on its Grievance and Professional Standards Committees. Each volunteer will be considered based upon their good standing in Tacoma/Pierce County Association of Realtors®-including compliance with NAR’s required Code of Ethics training. Their experience and knowledge in the different facets of our profession will also…
Read MoreTPCAR Endorsed Candidates Fare Well in August Primary
Thanks to the good work and effort of our volunteer members who participated, TPCAR fielded a strong slate of endorsements for the Primary Election on August 3. All but one of our endoresed candidates were able to advance to the General Election and are well positioned to win office. The below list of candidates received…
Read MoreTPCAR 2021 General election Endorsements
Tacoma-Pierce County Association of Realtors is proud to announce its candidate endorsements for this year’s General Election on November 2nd. The below list of candidates were interviewed by our Endorsement Advisory Committee and received TPCAR support based on their understanding and acknowledgement of the importance real estate plays in our communities, their support of REALTOR…
Read MoreGuides to Help Prepare for the Winter Season
In the Pacific Northwest, we know a thing or two about severe weather. Wind, rain, ice, and snow – We get it all. In preparation for the winter season, we have prepared a series of guides to help people protect their home. These guides are everything you need to know about how to prepare your…
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