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TPCAR’s Advocacy team continues to make strides on several issues for our members, as well as track other items which may be of interest to the members and our industry. Below is a report on the past month of advocacy activities and other upcoming items we will be working on in the Fall. 

Home in Tacoma 

Brian Boudet from the City of Tacoma visited with TPCAR’s Government Affairs Committee to share an update on Phase 2 of Home in Tacoma, which was heard by City Council at its September 24th meeting. TPCAR has long advocated a Support position for Home in Tacoma and has continued to communicate its position with the City and receive updates from staff. 

Phase 2 of Home in Tacoma is focused on developing zoning standards and actions to support the implementation of housing growth in the City of Tacoma. Final recommendations sent to Council by the Planning Commission includes establishing new urban residential (UR) zones to create middle housing options, including fee simple lots which would permit multiple units on a single lot to be sold as home ownership opportunities. On a typical 6,000 square foot lot the UR-1 zoning would permit up-to 4 units as a baseline. Minimum lot size would be reduced to 2,500 square feet in UR-designated areas. 

Phase 2 will also implement design standards for development  which focus on residential patterns to promote compatible growth and consistency in residential areas. 

A final, major point of contention pertains to tree canopy in the City. TPCAR has advocated that any tree preservation and growth policies enacted should not undercut the growth potential outlined under Home in Tacoma as the purpose of the ordinance is to provide more housing opportunities to residents, first. TPCAR believes that a balance between growth and trees can be achieved and, in comments submitted to Council, supports an approach which would allow for like for like replacement, or a tree credits program, to ensure that more housing stock is created and trees and placed more equitably throughout the City. 

Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department “stress tests” for septic systems 

In early-August, after several conversations and additional feedback provided by Tacoma-Pierce County Association of REALTORS, the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department made the decision to pause implementation of a septic stress test requirement which was originally effective as of July 15, 2024. 

This means that, for the time being, a stress test will not be required when submitting a home sale inspection application for a gravity septic system. 

This is a huge win for our membership and consumers as, even in the short 2-week window where the tests were required, there were examples of systems suffering total failure and costing sellers money and a home sale. As members consider the value of membership it’s important to remember that REALTOR® advocacy is most effective with an active and supportive membership base, and that our relationships created with elected officials through our RPAC and advocacy programs is the most effective way to protect the interests of consumers and the real estate industry. 

Our Advocacy Team will continue to keep our membership updated on this issue as it evolves. 

Tacoma Measure 1 – Lawsuit filed 

TPCAR members will recall that in November 2023 voters in the City of Tacoma narrowly approved a ballot initiative which instituted new rental housing policies in the City, including eviction bans during winter months and for up-to 10 months in households where a minor resides (school year), 6 month notice of rent increase, relocation assistance of up-to 3 months’ rent, and capping of late fees at $10. 

In recent weeks, Citizen Action Defense Fund has filed a lawsuit against the City of Tacoma over this lawsuit for what it deems to be violations of the state and federal constitutions, as well as state and local laws. 

TPCAR members will be kept informed as this now legal issue continues to evolve. Our advocacy team also remains engaged with Tacoma City Council which will have the opportunity to modify this ordinance beginning in January 2026. 

2024 Elections and Endorsements 

Election Day is rapidly approaching and it’s important for TPCAR members to keep track of our candidate endorsements. TPCAR’s Endorsement Advisory Committee has interviewed 16 candidates in 7 races, as well as early endorsing several other candidates who have a strong rating from Washington REALTORS®. Candidates receive endorsements based on their understanding and acknowledgment of the importance real estate plays in our communities, their support of REALTOR issues, and their commitment to working with TPCAR on housing issues as public policymakers. 

Click here to view our current list of endorsed candidates and check back for updates as we near the November election. 

This particular election year, our committee focused in on issues related to housing affordability, natural gas, missing middle housing, home ownership opportunities for marginalized communities, rent control, and “point of sale” mandates. Candidates were evaluated based upon their support of REALTOR® positions on those issues. 

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about TPCAR’s advocacy and endorsement programs, please contact us at  

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