To review your current office roster of agents, please follow these four easy steps! Thank you for assisting TPCAR in ensuring that your office roster(s) is up-to-date in advance of our 2024 Membership Dues Billing which will be sent out in September.
1. Login to your TPCAR InfoHub account by going to and clicking "Login" on the home page (if you've not yet created your TPCAR account you may do so by selecting "Create One" on the login screen).

2. In your InfoHub menu options (left-hand section), click "My Info."

3. Next, select the Related Contacts tab at the top of your screen. Here you will find records of all agents TPCAR shows as currently active in your office. PLEASE REVIEW THIS LIST CAREFULLY to ensure that no agents or missing, or that we don't have agents assigned to you who are no longer active at your office.

4. IF YOU ARE A MANAGING OR DESIGNATED BROKER FOR MORE THAN ONE OFFICE you can view agents in your additional offices by selecting the "Change Org" button located directly underneath your personal information in the upper-left corner of the screen, and then repeating steps 1 & 2.